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Black Hills Spruce

Black hills spruce

Black hills spruce

This ornamental cultivar of white spruce is almost as carefree as it is beautiful. With minimal care requirements after it has established itself and matured, Black Hills spruce is an excellent tree for people who prefer beauty with little upkeep.

How tall does a Black Hills spruce get?

Mature Size. The Black Hills spruce grows to a height of 30–60' and a spread of 15–25' at maturity.

How long does it take a Black Hills spruce to grow?

Growing Black Hills Spruce Trees Black Hills Spruce grows steadily into a dense, symmetrical cone-shaped tree. In 10 years it will be close to 10 feet tall, and it will reach 20 to 25 feet in height, with a spread of around 10 feet. Over time it may reach as much as 40 feet, and 15 feet across.

How far apart should you plant Black Hills spruce trees?

Spacing--single row 16 ft apart, double row 18 ft apart, multiple rows 20 ft apart with trees staggered from the other row. The Black Hills spruce is a recommended windbreak tree west of Iowa.

What is the prettiest spruce tree?

Of all the species of spruce trees, Serbian spruces are considered one of the best-looking in the landscape. They have dark green, flat needles with white bands on the underside that give them a gorgeous silvery cast when they blow in the wind.

Do deer like Black Hills spruce?

The Black Hills Spruce grows in a wide variety of soil types and growing conditions. Its prickly and aromatic foliage contribute greatly to its natural deer resistance.

Do Black Hills spruce need a lot of water?

Tolerant of drought and rain exceeding 10 inches per year, the Black Hills Spruce can also grow in dry or wet soils. And it can last a lifetime. Sometimes living more than 80 years and growing to heights of 60 feet, this majestic tree will stand out in your landscape.

Where does the black spruce grow best?

Where does it grow? Black spruce trees occur across the boreal region of North America, ranging from Newfoundland and Labrador, to New Jersey, to inland Alaska. More than 80 per cent of its global range is in Canada. Black spruce typically grow in cold, soggy areas, such as bogs and swamps, but also in upland areas.

Do Black Hills spruce get needle cast?

We have long been familiar with Rhizosphaera needle cast, a very common fungal disease that affects primarily Colorado blue spruce, and occasionally Black Hills spruce. This disease causes needles to turn purplish-brown and fall off, working from the inside of the tree out and from the bottom of the tree up.

How long does a Black Hills spruce live?

spread, it has a pyramidal habit and a slow growth rate. Black Hills Spruce trees commonly live 250-300 years. Grows best when planted in moist, well-drained soil in full sun.

What happens if you plant spruce trees too close together?

Too many people and other nurseries plant trees/shrubs too close together thinking they are going to get a windbreak faster, not true, it is actually going to decrease the growth rate, long term survival, and effectiveness as the bottom branches die out letting the wind blow threw, and weaken the whole tree.

Why are my Black Hills spruce trees dying?

Lirula needle blight causes the inner needles of spruce trees to turn yellow then gray. Caused by the fungus Lirula macrospora. Occurs in Colorado blue spruce and white spruce. White spruce, including Black Hills spruce, is more likely to be damaged.

What is the difference between Norway spruce and Black Hills spruce?

Black Spruce is a medium-sized coniferous tree that tolerates wet ground better than most spruces. It has a characteristic straight trunk and a narrow crown. Norway Spruce is a large, openly branched evergreen recognized by its drooping branchlets and large cones.

What's the difference between Black Hills spruce and blue spruce?

For your landscape, Black Hills spruce may be a better choice than Colorado or Blue spruce because Black Hills spruce is less affected by needle cast and canker than blue spruce. Needle cast and canker diseases cause a great deal of damage and death to blue spruce trees in Nebraska.

What is the fastest growing spruce tree?

The Norway Spruce is a fast growing (2-3' per year) evergreen that has dark green needles that are 1 inch long, and can grow up to 5 ft a year in a good weather year. It never drops its needles but keeps them on for up to 10 years.

How do you take care of a Black Hills spruce?

Black Hills Spruce 'Densata' (Picea glauca)

  1. Plant Feed. Apply a balanced fertilizer formulated for acid loving plants.
  2. Watering. Water regularly until established.
  3. Soil. Well-drained, slightly acidic soil.
  4. Basic Care Summary. When planting, keep the base of the trunk exposed. Plant in a reliably sunny spot.

Do Black Hills spruce lose their needles?

By mid-September these needles turn brown and begin falling from the tree. Another common group of conifers are the spruces such as Colorado blue spruce and Black Hills spruce. These trees have shorter needles, about three-quarter to an inch long, and are attached to the stem individually, not in bundles.

What is a deer's favorite tree?

No tree is more revered in the whitetail world than oaks, of which there are a multitude of types. Oak trees provide an array of food to local whitetails depending on their age and variety, Duren noted. “Red oak seedlings are a favorite browse for deer, while white oak acorns provide a favored mast crop.”

Where is the best place to plant a spruce tree?

Native to cool climates and dry air, spruce often languishes in hot, humid climates. Choose a planting site that has full sun exposure and rich, moist, well-drained soil. Spruce tolerates short periods of drought after it is established. Look for a planting site that has good air circulation.

How far should a spruce tree be planted from a house?

I would plant this particular tree species at least 20-25' away from your house as it is my experience that most homeowners and landscapers tend to plant trees way too close to structures. Keep some distance!

10 Black hills spruce Images

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Black Hill Spruce Picea glauca densata available in sizes 67 RS and

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Full size picture of Weeping White Spruce Black Hills Spruce White

Black Hills White Spruce Picea glauca Densata  no warmer than Zone

Black Hills White Spruce Picea glauca Densata no warmer than Zone

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